Welcome to the peace of mind club

Our drink glass cover is a preventive and deterrent tool designed to reduce the risk of drink spiking and drink spilling.
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Welcome to the Peace of Mind Club

From individual to retailers and wholesalers, our silicone glass cover will reduce the risk chemicals spiking and protect your party goers by protecting their drink. You will find our drink covers in Bars, Night Clubs, Festivals, Universities, Councils and Events. Our 100% silicone glass cover is here with you to reduce spiking and spilling risks. Use our silicone glass covers to have a great night and stay safe. We do care about party goers to have fun without the drama, our caps will just do that:
No more spiked drinks or spilled drinks in the crowd.
Safety Drinks Ltd – Official Distributor

Stay Safe when going out! Share with your friends.

100% silicon food grade, the silicone is made to natural and organic product with no plastic.
The elasticity of the silicon offers a great mould to any glass and a durability.
Multiple grooved lines to offer a better grip to the glass. The cap stay fixed in position and the glass is protected with no spilled.
Made in France and without Bisphenol A (BPA Free).
Drink through the silicon micro straw or use a paper or metallic straw.
A micro hole to allow air to come in and offer a natural drink flow
There is two side flap on the cap to have a better handling to place it on the glass.
Not recommended and may be dangerous for children under 3 years old, we do not recommend to leave it in children’s hands.
“The cap is 100% organic silicone stretchable”

Our Products

The caps is been manufactured for spiked or spilled prevention of your glass during parties or events. Our protection cap fit most glasses and protect your drink. Party goers using the silicone cap can rest assured to enjoy a drug spiked and spilled drinks during your fun night.

For you and Friends

For Students

For Retailers

For Wholesalers

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